Soka Gakkai International (SGI) is a Buddhist network that actively promotes peace, culture and education through personal change and social contribution.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Final Mock Test for First level entrance

Final Mock Test

Complete the following lines-

1. “..A great revolution in _____________will help achieve a change _________________ , and __________________________
________________________all mankind.”

2. “The heart ___________________________________the mystic law. Have _____________. A______________________ answered.”

3. “No matter how _____________________________________
________________________________________to wet tinder.”

4. “Some are __________________________, _______________, ________, kites, and owls, ___________________________, or even shot_______________________________________wide. Such__________ _________________________________________dragon.”

5. “Think of this ________________________________________
_________________________________________the earth.”

6. “So they__________________. It is ______________________ and ________, _______________________________________ _______________________________unharmed.”

Answer the Following-

1. “My wish is that all my disciples make a great vow”.
a. What is the “vow” that is being referred to?

b. Who was the recipient of this Gosho?

c. When was it written?

2. What does the carp climbing the waterfall called dragon gate signify?
3. Who was “Ueno the Worthy”? Why was he called so?

4. Who was the recipient of the gosho titled “”The strategy of lotus Sutra”

5. What does “Applying the Strategy of lotus sutra” signify?

6. What do the obstacles faced by carp signify?

Answer the Following Questions

1. Who are the Buddhist gods?

2. What are three ways in which we can lessen our karmic retribution?


3. “Transcending all differences” means______________________________

4. _____________ and ____________ are the selfish states.

5. _________, __________,_________,__________ are the four evil paths.

6. What is the significance of renege or Lotus Flower?

7. The two aspects of practice are -___________________________and ________________________________________.

8. Honzon means_________________
9. Kosen Rufu Day is celebrated on __________
10. President Ikeda joined Soka Gakkai on __________________
11. Atsuhara persecution took place on__________________

12. What does oneness of Self and Environment mean to you?

13. In judging the validity of a teaching the best standards are those set of ___________ and ______- proof and even more valuable is _______________.

14. The inclusion of___________ and_____________language in title of lotus sutra signify_________________________

15. Mutual possession of ten worlds means that______________________

16. “Ten worlds” signify___________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________

17. July 3 is called the day of_________________________ because ___________________________________________________

18. Embracing the_______________ is itself _________________
19. Practice for others include_____________________________, ________________________, ________________________
20. What does many in body one in mind mean to you?

21. “Priesthood issue” refers to_______________________________________

22. Operation “C” is________________________________________________

Match the following

February 16, 1222Nichiren Daishonin DiesApril 2Soka Gakkai’s founding dayJuly , 1960Inscription of Dai-gohonzon6th Nov 1279 match with Rissho ankoku ron was submitted to the govt.October 12, 1279The dragon gate was written.October 13, 1282November 18Josei Toda diesNichiren Daishonin was born

One Night before Study Exam

Faith, Practice and Study

· Three fundamental elements of Nichiren Daishonin’s Buddhism are faith, Practice and Study.
· Both practice and study arise from faith.
· Faith
o Means to believe in the Gohonzon.
o Does not mean Blind faith or acceptance
· Practice
o Practice has two aspects practice for oneself and practice for others.
o Practice for oneself means to consistently do morning and evening gongyo and chant NMRK
o Practice for others means to share Buddhism with others, pray for others’ happiness and participate in meetings and other activities.
· Study
o Study means to study the teachings of Nichiren Daishonin with seeking spirit.

The Three Proofs

· “In judging the relative merit of Buddhist doctrines, I, Nichiren believe that the best standards are those of reason and documentary proof. And even more valuable than reason and documentary proof is the proof of actual law.”
· There are three proofs set by Nichiren Daishonin, namely
o Documentary proof means that Buddhist teachings are based upon the sutras
o Theoretical proof means that a doctrine is compatible with reason and logic.
o Actual proof means the content of doctrine leads to actual results when put to practice.

Kosen Rufu

· Kosen Rufu means to “widely declare and spread”.
· Nam Myoho Renge Kyo is the essence of Lotus Sutra.
· Nam Myoho Renge Kyo appears in the 23rd Chapter of Lotus Sutra. Refers to fifth five hundred years after death of Gautama Buddha or the beginning of the latter day of the law.
· Also, called as World Peace. It will come about as faith in the mystic law spreads.

Nam Myoho Renge Kyo

· It was declared on April 28, 1253.
· Myoho-Renge Kyo is the title of the Lotus Sutra.
· Nam means devotion. It is Sanskrit word.
· Myoho means Mystic Law.
· Myo means unfathomable /beyond concept/ true entity of Life.
· Ho means Law/ manifestation.
· Renge means Lotus Flower.
· Kyo means Sutra/ teaching of Buddha.
· The inclusion of both western and eastern language signifies the universality of the teaching.
· Nichiren teaches that embracing the law itself is enlightenment.
· “Nam-Myoho-renge-Kyo will spread for ten thousand years, and more, fro all eternity.”
· “Nam-Myoho-renge-Kyo” is to be widely declared and spread.

What is the significance of renge or Lotus Flower?

1. Lotus flower seeds and flowers at the same time, representing the simultaneity of cause and effect.
2. Lotus grows in muddy pond, which means Buddha hood emerges from life of a common mortal.


· The Gohonzon that we all have are copies of the one transcribed by Nichikan Shonin.
· In the centre of Gohonzon it is written “Nam Myoho Renge Kyo-Nichiren”. It is surrounded by characters representing Buddhist gods, Buddhas and the ten worlds.
· Go means worthy of honor and honzon means object of fundamental respect.
· Gohonzon embodies the life of Nichiren Daishonin or Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo.
· “Embracing the Gohonzon itself is enlightenment.”
· Inscribed on October 12, 1279.

What is significance of chanting Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo?
When we chant Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo to the Gohonzon we can bring forth our Buddha nature and fuse our lives with the Gohonzon.

Itai Doshin - Many in Body, One in Mind

· Itai Doshin means many in body one in mind.
· “Many in body” mean that each of us has a unique mission, talent and set of circumstances. It also means transcending all differences between oneself and others.
· “One in mind” means despite our individuality we need to be united in spirit.
· “One in Mind” also means being committed to realizing Kosen rufu. It also means standing up with shared sense of purpose.
· Kosen Rufu is a great wish of Buddha who seeks to lead all people to enlightenment.
· “One in Mind” also means making this great wish of Buddha one’s own and courageously working for Kosen Rufu.


· In Buddhism karma means that every mental, verbal and physical action – that is everything we think, do or say imprints a latent influence in one’s life.
· Karma literally means action.
· It is accumulation of causes we make and their effects.
· Our actions in past have shaped our present, and our actions in present will in turn determine our future.
· Law of karmic cause and effect exists over past, present and future.

Changing Poison into medicine

· This principle means that because we chant to the gohonzon, whenever we experience loss, pain or failure, we have the power to change that suffering into joy and good fortune.
· Poison refers to our earthly desires, evil karmas and sufferings.
· Medicine refers to virtues of law, wisdom and enlightenment.
· The power contained in the Myo of Myoho renge Kyo is that of a master physician who skillfully turns poison into medicine.
· Key to change poison in medicine is chanting Nam Myoho Renge Kyo

Lessening one ‘s Karmic Retribution

· It is one of the benefits gained through one’s faith and practice of Lotus Sutra.
· Means that one will experience the effects of bad karma from past to a lesser degree than would normally be true.

How can we lessen our karmic retribution?
We can lessen our karmic retribution in three ways-
1. By the power of wisdom.
2. By the blessings obtained by the practice of the good.
3. By blessings one gains through protecting the Law.
Ten Worlds

· Refers to the life conditions through which our life fluctuates from moment to moment.
· Hell – One feels totally trapped in one’s circumstances. Dominated by rage and impulse to destroy.
· Hunger- Dominated by insatiable desires, relentless cravings. Like desire for food, power, and wealth.
· Animality- Governed by instinct, no sense for reason and living only for present.
· Anger – Dominated by selfish ego, competitiveness, arrogance.
· Humanity- Dominated by a calm state, fair judgment, and control on desires with reason. It is vulnerable to shift into lower worlds.
· Heaven- State of pleasure experienced when the desires are fulfilled.
· Learning- Condition in which person expands his awareness and understanding. Self improvement. A selfish state.
· Realisation- State in which one discovers partial truth through one’s observation. It is a selfish state.
· Bodhisattva- Aspiration of enlightenment not only fro self but for others too.
· Buddhahood- State of indestructible happiness, perfect and absolute freedom, governed by compassion, courage and energy.


HUNGER Three Evil Paths Four Evil Paths


ANGER Six Lower Worlds.



Two Selfish States

BODHISATTVA Four Higher/Noble Worlds.


Mutual Possession of the ten worlds

· Means that each of the ten worlds contains all ten within itself.
· Implication is that all people, in whatever state of life they may be in, have the ever-present potential to manifest Buddhahood.
· Buddhahood is nothing separate; it exists in the nine worlds.
· The purpose of our Buddhist practice is to elevate the basic life-tendency and eventually establish Buddhahood as one’s fundamental state.
· Every individual can bring forth his Buddha nature, dormant in the other nine worlds, thereby accompolishing his or her self-reformation.

Oneness of Life and Environment
· Refers to the inseparable relation between the individual and his environment.
· Life manifests itself in both the living subject and the objective environment.
· When we bring out our innate Buddha nature, it manifests and transforms our environment wherever we are.
· “..A great revolution in just a single person will help achieve a change in the destiny of a nation, and further, will enable a change in the destiny of all mankind.”
· Our enlightenment is not confined to ourselves but exerts an influence on our families, communities, nation and ultimately all humanity.

Buddhist Gods
· Who are Buddhist gods? Anyone or anything in our environment, working to protect and sustain life or to support our efforts to attain enlightenment and achieve Kosen Rufu may be regarded as Buddhist Gods.
· They are positive functions of the universe.
· Only when we devote ourselves to our practice- do gongyo and daimoku regularly do these protective forces inherent in environment work fully and effectively.
· “Our daily practice or Gongyo is a solemn ceremony that increases without limit the power and brilliance of the Buddhist gods, which pervade the entire universe.”

Priest Hood Issue
· Refers to events and information related to Nichiren Shoshu’s attacks on SGI.
· Headed by Nikken Abe, the High Priest
· “Operation C” – led by Nikken Abe to cut off and disband Soka Gakkai. It consisted of nine questions, accusing President Ikeda of criticizing the High Priest.
· Roots of this issue lie in a feudalistic attitude towards the believers.
· SGI has called for Nikken’s resignation and has been educating people on the same.
Importance of priesthood Issue
· Gives us an opportunity to deepen our understanding on Nichiren Daishonin’s Buddhism
· Understanding the issue can help us educate others and help them become aware of it.
· It teaches us how to deepen our faith
· It causes us to ask,” what is the meaning of correct faith and practice?”
· Daishonin says, “Simply to chant one four-phrase verse or the daimoku, and to protect those who do so, is called the essential practice.”

Important Dates for Soka gakkai

· February 4 :
o Known as Indian kosen Rufu day.
o In 1961, President Ikeda buried a commemorative plaque with inscription “Toyo-Kofu” at bodhgaya.

· March 16
o Known as Kosen Rufu Day
o In 1958, On this day Josei Toda handed over the task on Worldwide kosen Rufu to youth Division.
o 6000 youth members were present at taiseki-ji temple.

· May 3
o Known as Soka gakkai day
o In 1951 on this day Josei Toda became the second president of Soka gakkai.

o In 1960, on this day Daisaku Ikeda became the third President of Soka Gakkai.
· April 2
o In 1958 on this day Josei Toda passed away.

· July 3
o Known as day of Mentor and Disciple
o On July 3, 1945 Josei Toda was released from the prison.
o On July 3, 1957 President Ikeda was arrested.
o Coincidence was that President Ikeda was arrested at7pm and Josei Toda was released at 7pm

· August 24
o In 1947 on this day President Ikeda decided to Join Soka Gakkai.

· October 2
o On this day, President Ikeda set out on his travels for worldwide Kosen Rufu.

· November 18
o On this day in 1930 Soak Gakkai was formed with Tsunesaburo Makiguchi as its first President.

· July 1260
o Rissho Ankoku ron was submitted to the government.

· May 12 1961
o Exile to Izu peninsula

· September 12, 1271
o Tatsunokuchi Persecution

· October 10,1271
o Exile to Sado Island.

· September 21, 1279
o Atsuhara persecution.
o 20 farmers were arrested and 3 killed.
o On this day Nichiren daishonin decides to inscribe the dai Gohonzon.

· October 13, 1282
o Nichiren daishonin dies in Ikegami.

· October 12, 1279
o Nichiren Daishonin Inscribes the Dai Gohonzon.

· April 28,1253
o Nichiren Daishonin chants Nam Myoho Renge Kyo for the first time.
o Buddhism of Nichiren Daishonin was established.

· February 16, 1222
o Nichiren Daishonin was born in Awa Province.

GOSHO- The Dragon Gate

· It was written at Minobu.
· Written on sixth day of eleventh month of second year of Koan- 6 Nov 1279.
· Written to Nanjo Tokimitsu.
· Reply to Nanjo Tokimitsu about the report submitted about his role in protecting the Daishonin’s followers in Atsuhara area.
· Daishonin calls him “Ueno of Worthy.” as an honour for his courage.
· If the carp represents human being then carp climbing the wall signifies the difficulty in attaining Buddhahood.
· The Dragon gate refers to the waterfall or rapids on the middle reaches of the Yellow River.
· “We beg that the merit gained through these gifts may be spread far and wide to everyone, so that we all other living beings, all together may attain the Buddha Way.”
· “Some are swept away by strong currents, some fall prey to eagles, hawks, kites, and owls, and others are netted scooped up, or even shot with arrows by fishermen who line both the banks of the falls ten cho wide. Such is the difficulty a carp faces in becoming a dragon.” Here if the carp represents the Human Being then difficulty represents the obstacles faced in attaining Buddhahood.
· “Think of this offering as a drop of dew rejoining the ocean, or a speck of dust returning to the earth.”
· “My wish is that all my disciples make a great vow”. The vow here refers to the vow to attain Buddhahood oneself and at the same time to lead others to Buddhahood.”

GOSHO- The Strategy of the Lotus Sutra

· Written in the twenty third day of tenth month of the second year of Koan- 23rd Oct 1279.
· Written to Shijo Kingo.
· The Daishonin teaches Kingo that faith must always come first, before any other tactic or strategy, and that faith in the Mystic law is the ultimate factor that determines victory or Defeat.
· It is a reply to Shijo Kingo’s Letter to Daishonin telling how he had been ambushed by enemies among his fellow Samurai, but had managed to escape unhurt.
· “All others who bear you enmity or malice will likewise be wiped out.”
· “The heart of strategy and swordsmanship derives from the mystic law. Have profound faith. A coward cannot have his prayers answered.”

· “No matter how earnestly Nichiren prays for you, if you lack faith, it will be like trying to set fire to wet tinder.”
· “Spur yourself to the power of faith. Regard your survival as wondrous. Apply the strategy of lotus sutra before any other.”
· “All those who bear your enmity or malice will likewise be wiped out.”
· “So they have finally attacked you. It is matter of rejoicing that your usual prudence and courage, as well as your firm faith in Lotus sutra enabled you to survive unharmed.”
· “You must have escaped death because of this deity’s protection. Mariachi gave you skill of swordsmanship, while I, Nichiren have bestowed on you the five characters of the title of the Lotus Sutra.”
· “Applying the strategy of Lotus Sutra means that in all matters first to pray to the Gohonzon and then take an action. Faith must come first before any action.
· “Therefore, you must summon up the great power of the faith more than ever. Do not blame the heavenly gods if you exhaust your good fortune and lose their protection.”

Revision Paper


Q1. Nichiren Daishonin was born on
a. February 16,1222
b. March 16, 1222
c. April 16, 1222

Q2. Nichiren Daishoinin chanted Nam Myoho Renge Kyo for first time.
a. April 28, 1253
b. April 28, 1263
c. April 28, 1273

Q3. Nikko Shonin is designated as Nichiren Daishonin’s legitimate successor.
a. October 13, 1282
b. October 13, 1280
c. October 13, 1285

Q4. Nichiren Daishonin had faced _____________ major persecutions.
a. 4
b. 6
c. 8

Q5.May 12, 1261 is significant for
a. Nichiren Daishonin was sent to exile to Izu Peninsula
b. Nichiren Daishonin was sent to exile to Sado Peninsula
c. Nichiren Daishonin was sent to exile to the Kamakwa

Q6. Tatsunokochi Persecution took place on
a. Sep 12, 1271
b. Sep 10, 1281
c. Sep 18, 1271

Q7. Nichiren Daishonin was also sent to exile to Sado Island on
a. Oct 10, 1271
b. Oct 10, 1281
c. Oct 10, 1291

Q8. Indian Kosen Rufu Day is on
a. Feb 4
b. Feb 14
c. Feb 24

Q9. The Founding Day of the Soka Gakkai is on
a. Nov 18
b. Dec 18
c. Oct 18

Q10. “ Oct 2 “ is significant for us
a. President Makiguchi became the First President of the Soka Gakkai
b. President Toda handed over his mission of world wide Kosen Rufu to the youth
c. President Ikeda set out on his travels for worldwide Kosen Rufu

Q11. Atsuhara Persecution took place on
a. Sep 21, 1279
b. Oct 10, 1279
c. May 12, 1271

Q12. The 4 major persecutions faced by Nichiren Daishonin are
a. Izu Peninsula, Kama Kura exile, Sado Island, Tatsunokochi
b. Izu Peninsula, Tatsunokochi, Sado Island, Atsuhara
c. Izu Peninsula, Kama Kura exile, Sado Island, Atsuhara persecution

Q13. Which day is significant as “ Day of Mentor and disciple”?
a. July 3
b. June 3
c. January 3

Q14. Why is “ March 16” significant to us?
a. Soka Gakkai Day
b. Founding Day of Soka Gakkai
c. Kosen Rufu Day

Sgi Test


Q 1. Buddhist Gods are described as
a. devilish forces of our environment
b. positive forces of our environment
c. activities we do for Kosen Rufu

Q 2. The three pillars of our practice are
a. faith, practice, Gosho
b. faith, practice, guidance
c. faith, practice, Study

Q 3. Anyone or anything that is working in our environment to protect life
a. Friends relatives
b. Neighbours
c. Buddhist Gods

Q 4. A person in the world of hell will perceive the environment to be
a. Friendly
b. Supportive
c. Hellish

Q 5. The purpose of our Buddhist practice is to elevate the basic life tendency and establish
a. Buddhahood as ones fundamental state
b. Animality as one’s fundamental state
c. Anger as one’s fundamental state

Q 6. The lower worlds are ____ in number.
a. 2
b. 4
c. 6

Q 7. The number of higher worlds are
a. 2
b. 4
c. 6

Q 8. “ FAITH “ means to believe in the
a. Gongyo
b. Gosho
c. Gohonzon

Q 9. Study means to study the teachings of
a. Nikko Shonin
b. Nichiren Diashonin
c. Nichimoku Shonin

Q 10. Both practice and study arise from
a. Lotus Sutra
b. Faith
c. Gosho

Q 11. There are _________ number of proofs set forth by Nichiren Daishonin.
a. 3
b. 2
c. 5

Q 12. “To widely declare and spread Buddhism “means literally
a. Faith
b. Study
c. Kosen Rufu

Q 13. The title of the Lotus Sutra is
a. Myoho Renge Kyo
b. Nam Myoho Renge Kyo
c. Renge Kyo

Q 14. Nam means
a. devotion
b. Namaskar
c. Compassion

Q 15. Myoho means
a. Law of gravity
b. Universal law
c. Mystic law

Q 16. Renge means
a. Lotus
b. Lily
c. Rose

Q 17. Kyo means
a. Flower
b. Incense stick
c. Sutra

Q 18.” A great Revolution in just a single person will help achieve a change in the destiny of a nation and ____________________.
a. Further, will enable a change in the destiny of all mankind.
b. Further , will enable a change in the destiny of society
c. Further, will enable a change in the destiny of community.

Q 19. The individual and the environment are __________ and inseparable.
a. two
b. one
c. multiple

Q 20. At any moment, one of the ten states will be manifest and the other ____________ become dormant. Every individual can bring forth his __________ nature, dormant within the other nine worlds.
a. 9, Bodhisattva
b. 9, caring
c. 9, Buddha hood

Q 21. The 6 lower worlds are
a. Hell, Hunger, Realisation, Learning, Humanity, Anger
b. Hell, Hunger, Animality, Anger, Humanity, Heaven
c. Hell, Hunger, Animality, Anger, Humanity, Learning

Q 22. Hell, Hunger and Animality are called the ___________ paths.
a. Karmic
b. Buddha
c. Evil

Q 23. The 4 higher worlds or noble paths are
a. Learning, Realisation, Bodhisattva and Buddha hood
b. Learning, Realisation, Heaven and Buddha hood
c. Learning, Realisation, Bodhisattva and Animality

Q 24. Lessening Karmic retribution means reducing the __________ and ________ of the negative effects of past karma.
a. intensity, effect
b. intensity, period
c. intensity, operation

Q 25. Many in body is ________ and one in mind is _________--.
a. Itai, Shimbun
b. Itai, Seiko
c. Itai, doshin

Q 26. Honzon means the __________ and Go means _____________-.
a. object of respect, honour
b. object of fundamental respect, worthy of honour
c. object of respect, supreme

Q 27. The Dai Gohonzon was inscribed on
a. 12 Oct 1278
b. 12 Oct 1279
c. 12 Oct 1282

Q 28. Nichiren Daishonin first declared Nam Myoho Renge Kyo on
a. 28 April 1253
b. 28 April 1263
c. 28 April 1273

Wish you all good luck for your entrance Exam,i really hope this page can be of good help on your preparation.


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Practice test series

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This is so helpful I would be appearing for my entrance exam September 2016 so thank you from the bottom of my heart

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drmonikayoga said...

Thanks for sharing.

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Thanks for sharing

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Archana Rochvani said...

Thanks a lot��Very helpful

Kabita said...

Some more questions I want
But thanks for all above questions....